Sunday, March 15, 2009

New Dishes!

I had a grand idea of taking photos of these dishes while wearing an apron, standing over the sink with rubber gloves. Pretending to be the perfect housewife. :)
Well lots has been going on and we didnt get around to taking those fun photos. BUT we did take photos!

These dishes are from Grandma Smith (Kyles Moms Mom) and they are called Berries and Cherries by Corelle. We LOVE them!
As you can see they have fun colors and patterns, we now have matching bowls, bread plates and drinking glasses too!

Kyle cooked Burgers yesterday on the Grill that his parents gave us and here is how they came out!
The best burger ive ever had!

Thanks so much for the wonderful wedding gifts! We love all of you!

Countdown T minus 20 days!

1 comment:

  1. cute! In a mere week-and-a-half, I'll be eating off those plates. Hooray!

